‘1000 Hours’ explores the role of design in the relationship between producers and consumers through a material and historical investigation of the lightbulb and its lifecycle. Through the materiality of daylight, the project opposes planned obsolescence, first introduced in 1924 by the so-called Phoebus Cartel—a global-scale supervisory body for lightbulb production, founded by the leading lightbulb manufacturers of the time

State Crafting
[Research, Installation]

‘State Crafting’ is a material investigation into pine, as a tree and as wood. Tracing the history of pine plantations in Israel/Palestine, the project examines the relationships between natural processes and politics, culture and ecology, and the way in which they influence and shape one another.

‘Raccogliere’ (Italian »to gather, to collect«) offers a new perspective on the changing climate of the Venice lagoon. Through a set of tools to process Salicornia—a halophyte common in the marshlands of Venice, the project speculates on a possible future for the lagoon and the local community.

[Research, Product]

Flax has been a central crop in Western Europe for centuries. However, the production of the fiber has gradually shifted to other parts of the world, posing a threat to the local producers and the heritage of what once was a flourishing industry. Focusing on the physical quality of creasing―one of linen's most apparent and controversial properties―‘Align’ aims to increase the use of flax and linen and raise its value in contemporary culture.